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Abisola Sokale & Dada Ebunoluwa, Volume 5 Issue 1, July 2024 Pages 25-32, Published: 2024-04-20
The study examined the role of recreational program in tourism promotion. The type of recreational program that tourists enjoys more was analyzed, to know which recreational program determines their choice of tourist center. Data for the study was collected from personal survey (for a period of 2 weeks) with the random administration of questionnaires to 400 tourists in Green Legacy Resort, a major recreational center in Abeokuta. Only 105 was considered valid for this research. Tables and charts were used for data representation. Up to 98% of the respondents specifies recreational facilities as a major attraction to visits the destination, indicating that recreational program influence destination preference (Aicher et al., 2015). Also, self-confidence and social interaction are additional benefits provided by recreational program, this increase destinations’ appeal and foster positive travel experience (Temblay et al., 2020; Adebayo et al., 2021). Additionally, the respondents enjoyed basketball, boat-ride, park visiting and agreed that comfort, good atmosphere, recreational facilities and flexible hours of operation facilitate their patronage and determine their choice of tourist centers. The study recommends that owners, tourism managers, and tour agents in the study area should prioritize recreation activities as a marketing tool to increase tourism demands in the study area
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