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Olagoke-Salami, Sekinat & Famudehin, Patricia , Volume 4 Issue 1, July 2023 Pages 28-35, Published: 2023-06-10
Infrastructural facilities are one of the important tools that government uses to achieve its goals in catering for the economic and social needs of its citizens. Construction of road or road expansion such as road dualization falls under infrastructural facilities provided by the government with resultant effects on the use and values of properties. The study, therefore, aimed at examining road dualization-induced land use change and impact on rental values in Abeokuta using Adigbe as a case study. The study adopted a purposive sampling technique and total enumeration of the sample size was done. Observation and personal interviews were also carried out. Thirty-Three (33) copies of questionnaire were distributed among the estate surveyors and valuers. Data collected was analysed using frequency tables, bar chart and mean score. The study revealed that change in the use of properties occurred as a result of road dualization in the study area and that residential use was majorly affected as majority of residential properties were converted to commercial use with the resultant effect of increase in rental values of properties. 95% increase in numbers of commercial properties was recorded after road dualization also, all the types of properties recorded increase in rental value but shops recorded the highest which is 100%. The study concluded that road dualization induced change in use in the study area as a result of improved accessibility and high demand for certain class of property thereby causing disruption of land use patterns. The study therefore recommends that planning authorities should be proactive in sensitizing the public on the implications of not seeking planning permission and obeying planning laws and regulations before carrying out redevelopment or change in use as this will prevent incoherent patterns of land use and disruption of spatial interaction
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