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Chioma Vivian Abiaziem & Evelyn Ufoma Adebisi, Volume 1 Issue 1, July 2020 Pages 69-76, Published: 2020-07-28
axes were extracted from byproducts of cassava processing (peels and bagasses), characterised and analyzed for their physicochemical properties to determine their industrial potential uses as a way of environmental pollution otherwise caused by indiscriminate deposal. The characterisation was done using FTIR, UV-visible spectroscopy and SEM. The physicochemical properties were done using standard methods. The results obtained were; yield (8.51±0.19% and 9.86±0.16% (w/w), melting point (63.5±0.06 and 62.50±0.09oC), saponification value (103.42±0.19 and 275.01±0.01 mg/KOH/g), acid value (23.40±0.20 and 29.15±0.02 mg/KOH/g), ester value (80.02±0.15 and 245.85±0.12 mg/KOH/g), free fatty acid (11.77±0.07 and 14.66±0.10 mg/KOH/g) and iodine value (90.03±0.03 and 22.54±0.04 mg/KOH/g), respectively. Also, the waxes were viscous liquid at room temperature, colourless, odourless and free of adulterants. Although both waxed differed significantly in the chemical properties, both exhibited similar properties as beeswax. It was concluded that waxes from both byproducts can find useful industrial applications as beeswax in pharmaceutical, cosmetics, paints and food industries. Also, it will reduce their effects on environmental degradation otherwise caused by inappropriate disposal of the wastes.
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