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Oluwaseun Okparavero, Temitope Coker & Olamilekan Akinlade, Volume 2 Issue 2, December 2021 Pages 110-120, Published: 2021-12-21
Coronaviruses are a small-sized group of viruses that have single-strand ribonucleic acid (RNA). They comprise four sub-families: Alphacoronaviruses, Betacoronaviruses, Gammacoronaviruses and Deltacoronaviruses. These viruses are easily transferred from animals to humans and vice versa. In December 2019, it was identified in China, a place called Wuhan and since then it has gone around the world. This pandemic disease has caused numerous deaths and poses a great threat to human health and existence. The virus is responsible for the disease called Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), the disease is known as Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID 19). World Health Organization (WHO) Statistics shows that air pollution is responsible for the death of about 7 million people worldwide on yearly basis, there is no doubt that it causes severe health challenges in humans (respiratory disease, cancer, stroke, cardiovascular illness). Air pollution has been adjudged to trigger respiratory complications that weaken the immune system, as a result of this underlining illness, Coronavirus thrives leading to the death of COVID 19 patients. Although eradication of air pollution seems almost impossible, it can be reduced by ornamental plants acting as a natural filter. This review identified some Ornamental plants as bio-decontaminator and air purifier to reduce air pollution which is a risk factor in covid-19 infection as Ornamental plants absorb gases (pollutants) through their stomata, surface area of leaves, intercept particulate matter on their leaves and release oxygen thus serving as both indoor and outdoor air purification
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