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Jimoh, Tajudeen Adisa & Kehinde, Oluwatosin Abosede, Volume 3 Issue 1, July 2022 Pages 19-22, Published: 2022-07-21
Technical and vocational education and training (TVET) as well as entrepreneurship are two compelling models for productive economic engagement and self-employment in developing nations like Nigeria. This study examined the entrepreneurship opportunities open to Office Technology and Management students as a result of skills acquired through TVET. The study was carried out in Ogun State and the population comprised students of Office Technology and Management programme of public polytechnics in Ogun State. Multi-stage sampling technique was used to select 105 office technology and management students from 3 public polytechnics chosen from the 3 senatorial districts in Ogun State. A 4-point likert option questionnaire was used and data collected were analyzed with frequency count, mean and regression. 105 questionnaires were distributed and only 100 were properly filled and returned. The result showed that entrepreneur opportunities are high for office technology and management student even after graduation. It was concluded that technical and vocational education and training have a significant positive impact on entrepreneurial opportunities of office technology and management student. The study recommended, among others, that office technology and management students should intensify efforts and show good attitude towards purposeful acquisition of technical and vocational skills that are capable of enhancing their self-employment
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