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Ilelaboye N. O. & Jesusina T. I., Volume 1 Issue 1, July 2020 Pages 17-27, Published: 2020-07-27
Biscuits produced from 10 different composite flour blends of plantain-sorghum fortified with or without okara and the composite flours were analysed for their proximate composition, food energy and functional properties. Also, sensory evaluation of the biscuits was done. The flours contained moisture (5.50 -7.70%), ash (1.50-2.40%), fat (1.90-2.89%), protein (2.70-6.00%), fibre (2.50-3.90%), carbohydrates (80.20-83.80%) and food energy (362.00-368.89 Kcal/100g). The mean values were: bulk density (0.46-0.58g/mL), water absorption capacity (177.82-236.95%), oil absorption capacity (92.59- 141.22%), swelling power (5.87-9.97g/g), solubility index (36.60-50.53%) and wettability (45.88-132.62 s). Increasing the proportion of sorghum flour in the blend resulted in a rise in bulk density, swelling power, solubility index, and reduction in water absorption capacity, oil absorption capacity, and wettability. While the addition of okara caused increases in all the functional properties except the solubility index. The biscuits contained moisture (6.10-8.200%), ash (2.80-3.20%), fat (3.20-4.40%), protein (2.90-6.50%), fibre (2.70-4.00%), carbohydrates (74.67-80.79%) and food energy (363.27-370.47 Kcal/100g). Evaluation of sensory attributes suggested that the flour blend having 72.5% plantain flour, 22.5% sorghum flour and 5.0% okara flour produced the most acceptable biscuit. It was concluded that composite flour made from a blend of plantain and sorghum flours fortified with okara could replace wheat flour for the production of nutritious and organoleptic acceptable biscuit
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