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Adeosun, B.O & Adebisi, K.A, Volume 2 Issue 2, December 2021 Pages 86-92, Published: 2021-12-21
Gari was wrapped in a hessian jute bag, a woven polyethylene bag, a plastic container, and a high-density polyethylene bag after it was freshly produced. The gari samples were kept at 340°C and 48.6% relative humidity for 8 weeks. The differences in the gari's functional qualities could be due to differences in the quality and permeability of the various packaging materials, which demonstrate an increase in water absorption (240 to 322g/dm3). In h, the bulk density increased from (0.55-0.58(g/dm3) to (0.55-0.58(g/dm3). Swelling capacity rose from (187.33-228.31g/100g) to (187.33-228.31g/100g). During the 8-week storage period, solubility increased (6.55-7.75%) whereas foaming capacity decreased (8.44-4.38%). During an 8-week storage period, the fungus count in various packaging materials grew significantly (0.13103-3.01103logcfu/g), according to microbiological analysis. Total bacterial counts rise from (0.06103logcfu-0.93103logcfu/g) to (0.06103logcfu-0.93103logcfu/g). Gari packed in plastic containers and high-density polyethylene bags is microbiologically safe and acceptable after an 8-week period of storage
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