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Elizabeth O. Ibidapo-Obe & Khadijah O. Yusuff, Volume 2 Issue 1, July 2021 Pages 70-78, Published: 2021-07-24
This study reports an eight-week feeding trial to assess the survival, serum biochemistryand haematological parameters of Clariagariepinus juveniles fed Moringaoleifera leaf meal.Moringaoleifera leaf meal wassubstituted for soya bean meal at 0(control) (T1), 25(T2), 50(T3), 75(T4) and 100% (T5) in five different feeding diets. The result obtained from the experiment showed that there is a significant difference (p<0.05) in the survival rate between the treatments, mean weight gain (MWG) and percentage weight gain (PWG).Fishes fed with the control diet (T1) had the highest MWG, while those served with treatment T5had the least. There was no significant difference (p>0.05) in the specific growth rate (SGR) between the fishes fed with the control diet (T1) and those fishes fed with (T2). The treatment with the highest feed conversion ratio(FCR) was T5, T4 and T3 while the lowest was the control diet T1 and T2. The haematological parameters showed the value of packed cell volume of the control T1, T2and T5 as 31.67±1.53, 32.67±0.58 and 30.33±0.58 respectively, T2 had the highest packed cell volume. Haemoglobin and red blood cell was high in treatment T2 but low in T4.The serum enzymes including total protein, albumin, globulin and cholesterol showed high values in T2 and T5. The present study revealed that M. oleifera has a good potential for use as soya bean meal substitute in C. gariepinus diet up to 25% inclusion level without compromising growth
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